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How to Develop Courage

Bonnie Surie
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Courage reveals a path as your greater self and offers you a life of quality and fulfillment.

When you choose to consciously stand in the presence of the NOW while honoring your commitment to living beyond your past experiences despite the discomfort of the opposing forces- this is COURAGE.

Courage asks you to acknowledge your journey and all the versions of yourself that have helped you get to where you are.

It invites you to perceive your life from the heart and see the challenges and pains as your greatest teachers without judging the student you were.

Courage asks you to face the unavoidable disturbances of life and question the effect they may have on your relationship with yourself.

"Even if they don't accept me, will I still accept myself?"

"Even if they don't love me, can I still love myself?"

"Even if they don't support my decision, will I continue to support myself?"

Who are you without approval from others?

Who are you in the absence of others?

What do you choose when fear invades your imagination?

What do you think when you've been rejected?


  • Who do you want to become? 
  • What kind of life do you want to live? 
  • How do you want to be remembered?

Journal about these questions. Explore them and try on different possibilities. You will know a perfect fit when it scares you because it feels too big and excites you because it's what you want.

From here, the journey will be consciously choosing courage over fear. Realize that without fear, there cannot be courage. When you arrive at a decision and begin battling with what choice to make, surrender to the moment and ask yourself, "What would I do if I wasn't afraid?" Then, thank the fear for revealing the path to courage.

Bonnie Surie
Women's Intuitive Self-Relationship Expert and Breakthrough Mentor,
The Freely Me Journey

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